Director: Anthony DiBlasi
"Cassadaga" tells the story of Lily, a young deaf art teacher who leaves the city to recover from the death of her sole surviving relation, her younger sister Michelle. Lily obtains a teaching job in the idyllic town of Cassadaga, alongwith a scholarship at Cassadaga University which includes residence at the mansion of Claire, who offers the scholarship but only limited access to the mansion premises. Lily begins dating a student's divorced father and makes a few friends, until her life is thrown off course once more by a medium who conjures up the spirit of her dead sister, which delivers a deadly warning... .
"Cassadaga" tells the story of Lily, a young deaf art teacher who leaves the city to recover from the death of her sole surviving relation, her younger sister Michelle. Lily obtains a teaching job in the idyllic town of Cassadaga, alongwith a scholarship at Cassadaga University which includes residence at the mansion of Claire, who offers the scholarship but only limited access to the mansion premises. Lily begins dating a student's divorced father and makes a few friends, until her life is thrown off course once more by a medium who conjures up the spirit of her dead sister, which delivers a deadly warning... .